DeepLabCut GUI on HiPerGator Desktop

Steps to start DeepLabCut in graphical user interface mode:
1. Log on to HiPerGator (HPG)
2. Use HPG OpenOnDemand to start the Interactive App: HiPerGator Desktop
3. Open Terminal to enter 3 lines of command-line code to start DLC GUI
4. Point DLC to a config.yaml file in existing project
5. Point DLC to a labeled videos directory and load the images

R. Mears


November 19, 2022

Steps to start DeepLabCut in graphical user interface mode:

  1. Log on to HiPerGator (HPG)
  2. Use HPG OpenOnDemand to start the Interactive App: HiPerGator Desktop
  3. Open Terminal to enter 3 lines of command-line code to start DLC GUI
  4. Point DLC to a config.yaml file in existing project
  5. Point DLC to a labeled videos directory and load the images

Log on to HiPerGator (HPG) OpenOnDemand

Use a Chrome Browser for best results.
Importantly, go to (linked UFRC page) for details & video on HiPerGator-OpenOnDemand

Figure 1: Type then select your institution.

Figure 2: Use 2-factor authentication just like Canvas or Gatormail.

Type this address in the navigation bar: -

You will need to type then select University of Florida for your home organization.

Use HPG OpenOnDemand to start the Interactive App: HiPerGator Desktop

When options for the desktop are available (see settings figure below):

  • 10 or more Gb of Max Memory (third text box)
  • 1 to 4 hours for Time Requested (4th text box)
  • select Default Cluster Partition (5th box dropdown)
    • BUT, If you’re training the model with GPU settings select the GPU cluster partition. [ONLY for neural-network training; Use the Default cluster partition for image labeling and adjusting labels. We have limited GPU resources.]
      • However, with GPU selected you will also need to type gpu:a100:1 in the Generic Resource Request field (2nd text box from bottom of page.)

After you have typed the settings click blue Launch button(s) as they appear.

HiPerGator Desktop

Figure 3: Start HiPerGator Desktop with appropriate settings (see settings figure), then Launch.

Desktop Settings

Open Terminal to enter 3 lines of command-line code to start DLC GUI

  • Click on Applications
    • In HiPerGator Linux Desktop, the Applications button is on the top-left corner.
  • Click on Terminal Emulator

In the Terminal (i.e., black, command line interface) type the following 3 lines:

  • cd blue_psy4911
  • module load deeplabcut
  • python -m deeplabcut

Point DLC to a config.yaml file in existing project

  • Click on tab, Manage Project, when the DeepLabCut GUI appears.
  • Then, click Load existing project & Browse in order to find config.yaml settings file.
  • The folder location is something like:
    • /blue/psy4911//try-dlc/DeepLabCut/examples/openfield-Pranav-2018-10-30/config.yaml
  • Once you select config.yaml click the open button and the click ok again.

Point DLC to a labeled videos directory and load the “images”