Setup HiPerGator for DeepLabCut

Tips to setup your account so that you can use DeepLabCut

R Mears


October 24, 2022

UF Research Computing Help & Documentation (link)

Create a folder for downloading files and examples to your blue drive for learning DeepLabCut

  • There are two ways to navigate the blue drive filesystem: OpenOnDemand GUI & Terminal (command line)
  • Create a new folder so that you can do DeepLabCut tutorials and examples

  • Navigate to your blue drive personal folder “/blue/psy4911/yourname/” then make a folder named try-dlc

  • The easiest way to start out in terminal from OOD is to click on the folder that you made
  • …then from that location click Open in Terminal

Clone all example material from GitHub to a folder on your Blue Drive

  • From the chosen folder on your /blue/psy4911/yourname/ folder install DeepLabCut using the following commands in terminal:
    • module load conda
    • git clone
    • Navigate to the new folder /blue/psy4911/yourname/DeepLabCut/ by typing cd DeepLabCut/deeplabcut
    • to run from the command line type module load deeplabcut/2.2.1
    • then type ipython
    • if you type ?deeplabcut on the command line you can see that everything in DeepLabCut 2.0 is available from the command line
    • type exit() to leave ipython

NEXT go to the HiPerGator DeepLabCut Jupyter Notebooks tutorial…

  • To Run Napari from the remote GUI on HPG start HiperGator Desktop then open a terminal on the desktop and type:
  • module spider Napari
  • module load napari/0.4.7
  • Napari