MPFC & Ketamine Project





Test out DLC (Basic)
DLC Examples on Google Colab

Most of the DeepLabCut (DLC) tutorials are offered with Google Colab a cloud computing environment with all the software dependencies pre-installed. It really is the best first step if you want to start to understand how DLC works and how to customize it for your needs. - Click on the “Open in Colab” link on this page - Video on DLC on Google Colab - Colab instructions on how to use your own videos

A Worshop that has everything you need to use DLC

DeepLabCut Worshop Materials

Video Behavior Analysis Workflow

Video Behavior Analysis Workflow

%%{init: {'theme':'forest'}}%%

graph LR

    subgraph Analysis
       s6 -->  s7{Inferential Stats}
    subgraph ETHZ-INS/DLCAnalyzer
        s3 --> s4[Data Wrangling </br> Graphing]
        s5 --> s6[Data Wrangling]
        s6 --> s4
        subgraph dlca[</tab> </br> Derivative Variables / Data Visualizations]
          s4 --> s5[unsupervised</br> classification</br> and clustering]

    subgraph DeepLabCut

        subgraph Training
            s1[add keypoints]-->s2[run training]
            s2 --> s2a[analyze</br> training]
            s2a -->s2


        subgraph Decoding
            s2a --> s3a[add</br> videos] 
        s3a --> s3[import data</br>transform]
    subgraph Read-in-Data[Raw Data]
        s0[import video] --> s1
 %% Notice that no text in shape are added here instead that is appended further down

    %% Comments after double percent signs

     classDef green fill:#9f6,stroke:#333,stroke-width:0.5px;
     classDef orange fill:#f96,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px;
     classDef white fill:#fff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px;
     classDef sq stroke:#f66,stroke-width:1px;
     classDef blue fill:#6699cc,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px;
     classDef red fill:#D32737,stroke:#FFF,stroke-width:1.5px;
     class sq,Analysis green
     class ETHZ-INS/DLCAnalyzer orange
     class Training,dlca,s0 white
     class DeepLabCut white
     class Decoding blue
     class Read-in-Data red

0. Data Collection

1. Data Preprocessing

  • [ X ] Digitize behavior videos from analog
  • [ X ] Cut, Segment, Name: Subject & Session
  • [ X ] Extract behavior timestamp range
  • [ X ] Select behavior videos for DLC training

2. DeepLabCut Training

NEO/MNE e-phys

Mathis, Alexander, Steffen Schneider, Jessy Lauer, and Mackenzie Weygandt Mathis. 2020. “A Primer on Motion Capture with Deep Learning: Principles, Pitfalls, and Perspectives.” Neuron 108 (1): 44–65.
Nath, Tanmay, Alexander Mathis, An Chi Chen, Amir Patel, Matthias Bethge, and Mackenzie Weygandt Mathis. 2019. “Using DeepLabCut for 3D Markerless Pose Estimation Across Species and Behaviors.” Nature Protocols 14 (7): 2152–76.